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Online queue registration for the immigration and citizenship processing department (passport desk)
Carrying out work with precious metals and precious stones. Appraisal activity
Register of exporters with overdue receivables
Registration of integrated circuit topologies
Making an appointment at the embassy (consulate)
Applying for preferential transport cards giving the right to travel free of charge in urban passenger transport
Работа с оборудованием, содержащим драгоценные металлы и драгоценные камни
TIR kitobidan foydalangan holda xalqaro tashish uchun ruxsatnomada haydovchilar maʼlumotlarini o‘zgartirish uchun ariza berish
Replacement of the license form for the right to use subsoil plots with a permit form
Permit for the transportation of bulky and heavy goods by road
Conclusion on the approval and coordination of the transfer of mines (mines) from one category to another
Tracking registered mail shipments
License for activities related to the development, production, transportation, storage and sale of explosives and toxic substances, materials and products using them, as well as explosives
Information about vehicles
License for carrying out insurance activities of insurers (reinsurers) and insurance brokers
Familiarization with information from professors, teachers and researchers
Application for funded pension system
Certification inspection of the vehicle
Permission for processing of goods outside the customs territory, processing within the customs territory, placement under the customs regime
Consent of spouses to dispose of common property
Call-center: 1242 1148
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