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Inclusion intangible cultural heritage
Sealing the heat energy metering device and preparation of the heat supply contract
Accreditation of employees of non-governmental non-profit organizations who are foreign citizens
Turar joyning maydoni bo'yicha ma'lumotnoma olish
Kam ta'minlangan deb e'tirof etilgan oila to'g'risida ma'lumotnoma
Organization of activities of cotton-textile clusters
Submission of an application to suspend the validity of a certificate for construction project expertise activity
Filing an application for a refund of overpaid taxes for individuals
Submission of an application for suspension of a license for the right to carry out activities for the development of architectural and urban planning documentation
Certification of enhanced biological protection products by manufacturers of biological protection products
Issuance of a certificate of persons who gave the privatization of a separate house (part of the house) or apartment
Application for installation and removal of hot water meter
Issuance of archival documents by departmental notary archives
confirm application for permanent residence registration
Completing Topic Queries (fast track)
Natural gas meter verification (including removal and installation)
Submitting applications for admission to state specialized boarding schools for Olympic and national sports
Accreditation of experts on protecting children from information harmful to their health
Obtaining a protocol of winning in electronic auctions conducted via the "E-AUKSION" trading platform
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