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TIR kitobidan foydalangan holda xalqaro tashish uchun ruxsatnomada avtomototransport vositalarining maʼlumotlariga oʻzgartirish kiritish to'g'risida ariza berish
Notification of the beginning or completion of installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm devices
Protection Order Certificate
Permit for the installation, repair and commissioning of technological new processes and equipment with a risk of explosion, amusement park attractions, as well as technical devices used in hazardous production facilities
Ознакомление с результатом тестовых испытаний абитуриента
Permission to hunt wild animals
Conclusion on the compliance of filling stations with the requirements for the receipt, storage, accounting and distribution of petroleum products
Import of cash foreign and (or) national currency
Registration of a new entrepreneurship
Details of unified treasury settlement accounts of tax authorities
Covering the cost of purchasing a land plot for beneficiaries through an online electronic auction
Obtaining a patent for a utility model
Determining the level of foreign language proficiency
Obtaining a certificate of registration or non-registration at the narcological dispensary
submission scientific degrees
Notification of the beginning or termination of activities related to a change in the design and (or) part of a motor vehicle
Accreditation of activities of registration centers for electronic digital signature keys
Decision on registration of geodetic and cartographic works
Мasters degree education
Preliminary electronic informing of the state customs service on goods and vehicles transported across the customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan by road
Call-center: 1242 1148
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