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Obtaining a certificate of registration or non-registration at the psychoneurological dispensary
Providing subsidies to business entities that have created home-based work
Notification of the beginning and termination of activities for the retail sale of ophthalmic medical devices (optics)
Obtaining permits for the acquisition (issuance) and (or) installation (construction) of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices
Calculation of the initial amount of privatization of non-agricultural land plots
Approval of the mining development plan
Submission of an order and state-recognised certificates on the privatization of real estate objects and state shares
Submission of an electronic application for a compensation payment under the compulsory third party liability insurance of vehicle owners
Application for the sale of registered property under the terms of an intermediary agreement
checking registry pledges
Получение информации о банковских реквизитах юридических лиц
Checking the status of debt from management service companies (My Home)
Opening of a banking services office
Checking debt on the executive document
Permission to reorganize the insurer
Obtaining Information about Imported Railway Cargo to the Territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Issuance of a conclusion on the compliance of imported equipment and facilities with the goals and objectives of allocated grants under international agreements
Permit for installation, repair, commissioning and operation of gas pipelines
Address information of the territorial offices of the Pension Fund
Call-center: 1242 1148
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