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The use of high-frequency devices in metal-smelting, metalworking and other industries
Obtaining permission to use the international transport carnet (TIR)
Registration of preferential transport cards (schoolchild, student, pensioner, disabled person) for traveling on public transport
Permission to withdraw from the natural environment rare and endangered wild animals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan
mainten outside care
Obtaining information about a doctor attached to citizens
License for non-state educational services
Obtaining information about being or not being registered for phthisiological diseases
Removal from the register of family guest houses, hostels, campsites with grass and tents and correction of deficiencies
Applying for Admission to Special Education Agency Schools
Providing information about value added tax payers
Development, production and implementation of cryptographic information protection
Issuance of the conclusion of the state examination of design and estimate documentation of geological materials in the subsoil
A foreign legal entity that carries out operations on commodity exchanges
Getting information about the presence of an object in the list of those connected to the heating network
Obtaining permission to install tinting (darkening) on the windows of passenger vehicles
Connection to UZTELECOM mobile network
Obtaining a decision from the republican radio frequency council on the possibility of using radio electronic equipment and high-frequency devices, as well as allocation of radio frequency bands (channels) within the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Conclusion of industrial safety requirements
Application of consent from an accompanying institution for the accompaniment and bringing of a minor (a legally incompetent person) during their travel abroad
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